Friday, January 22, 2010

Seeking Truth

Over the years I have walked through several dark valleys where I questioned what I believe and why. I hated going there. No one wants to go there. We all want to be secure in where we stand, in what we believe and in what we think we know to be truth. It is a painful place to be when everything you think you believe or know is in question.

However, pain isn't always a bad thing. Neither is suffering or questioning the status quot. It isn't a bad thing when you allow Adonai to do His will and reveal truth that is not of this world but is of His heart and His Word. It isn't a bad thing when you let go of things that are temporal and built upon sinking sand. It isn't a bad thing when you cleanse your life of false belief systems and lies that you have been living and believing in the name of "religion" and tradition. Going through such a fire is a cleansing and a purifying thing. It causes impurities to be burned away and that which is real, genuine and precious to remain. Yes, it hurts. The things of God do not perish in such a fire but solidly remain. The fear and pain we feel in the process is the letting go of the carefully placed idols and high places we have allowed in our lives.

There is so much in this world that we do and don't even understand the reasons behind why we do them. Tradition can be a wonderful thing, but things done for reasons that we don't understand are not enough of a reason to continue to do them. We can be so attached to traditions and habits that we don't even consider if it is pleasing to the Lord or simply the popular and accepted way to live according to fellow mankind. The only expectation we place ourselves under is that of other human beings rather than the expectations of a Holy God.

The words of talented orators, television and movies and the media we gulp down like fast food not realizing that nutrient content isn't going to sustain us for long and soon we hunger again. Our ears are tickled, but our sinful flesh remains. Sometimes the words they utter are harmful, but blissfully unaware and we never weigh their words or filter them through the Word of God. We build our foundation on the teachings of men and the love and acceptance of others and for a time all is well with the world. Like sheep led to the slaughter we blindly move with the crowd forgetting that we were called to be set apart. In time this poorly built foundation crumbles and all we are left with is burnt rubbish.

Does this shock you? It should. We should always be on guard against these unholy things subtly creeping into our lives. They don't announce themselves or throw a parade. It isn't in the playbook that they are obvious in any way shape or form. The enemy is very aware of how to play this game. He is subtle and cunning. He is willing to be patient and deceive you to help your flesh "work" long enough to be fooled into thinking your own self sufficiency or the sufficiency of others is enough.

There are many promises in the Word of Lord. Many forget that there are also premises. Grace was expensive. It cost Him everything. The commandments and instructions in His Word our Lord and Savior Messiah Yahshua himself kept while here on earth. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

"For I am the Lord, I do not change."Malachi 3:6

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