Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In A Box


Looking back on history it seems to me that human beings have patterns. We tend to repeat the same mistakes, over and over. One of those mistakes is adding or taking away from the Word of Elohim. In Deuteronomy 4:2 Father warns His people then and NOW (us, we are His people too):

"You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."

Wow, it's as if He already knows what we are going to do before we do it! We add to what He has said and we take away from what He has said all to accomplish our fleshly agenda. Many times we are not even aware we are doing it. I have done it in the past. We seem to all be made out of similar stuff. Now don't get me wrong. Sometimes it isn't as obvious as writing a commentary and giving that precedence over the Word of Elohim which is adding to His Word. Sometimes it isn't as obvious as teaching that parts of His Word are no longer valid or we don't have to do that anymore which is taking away from His Word. That is very obviously adding or taking away from His Word. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to observe that we have done that not only in Judaism but also in mainstream Christianity across the board. No one can really toss stones because all throughout human history the vast majority have broken that commandment in some way, shape or form. Sometimes, well really most of the time, we have had very good intentions. We can rationalize most anything. We are very skilled at it. We can do this because our hearts are not to be trusted. They lead us astray, easily.  In Jeremiah 17:9 the Word says:

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

So that "follow your heart" rational isn't a good suggestion after all. Hmmmm....so much to learn. Sigh.

One way we add to His Word or take away from it is in defining Him. Who are we to think we can define the Creator of the Universe? It is appalling when you really think about it. He created us yet we have the nerve to define Him, put Him in a box of our own making and put our words in His mouth and our thoughts in His mind. An example, "my God would never do that" , "allow that" etc. etc. This one is a classic, "well the Devil did that, surely my God wouldn't allow such a thing." Really? How do you know? How does one determine that? Is there anything that doesn't cross His throne? He might not have done it, who knows, but He allowed it and if you are His he will use that situation for His purpose. Hard thing to hear but it's true. I have been through things in my life that were awful but there was a purpose in it even if I didn't understand it at the time or maybe still don't. That doesn't change who He is. His Word, the Word He gave us, clearly defines Him. His Word is sufficient. He is more than sufficient. Man is not qualified to define him, period. The flesh we still wear disqualifies us. Defining Him brings Him down to our level and removes the fear or reverence of Him that we are supposed to have. (Read Psalm 147:11, Deuteronomy 14:23, Psalm 33:18 just to list a few)

When I was in the "church system" I used to think putting God in a box meant limiting my mind or heart to His capabilities or in other words demonstrating a lack of faith. I do believe that is still true. The importance of having faith in Him cannot be and should not be understated. But, there so much more!! The accounting of Yahshua in regards to his interactions with his family and their "putting Him in a box" is found in all four gospel accounts but here it is in Mark 6:4

"But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house."

You see all those folks knew Him from way back. They couldn't accept who He was then, at that moment, because they had seen Him as a child and in their minds they had already defined Him. Case closed. Yahshua as "A Savior" didn't fit in the box they had Him in already. Yahshua, "their Redeemer" did not fit in the box either. Sadly all the Words already prophesied about him all through out the Torah, Elohim's Word, also didn't fit in the box they had already put Him in. They missed Him. How very tragic for them. How they limited themselves through such actions! They never limited Him but their opportunity to truly know Him. That thought brings tears to my eyes and strikes fear in my heart. Honestly.

What is so vitally important is that we recognise Him for who He says He is, not what we want, hope or imagine Him to be or what other people tell us about Him. There are plenty of His promises and information about His attributes found in scripture. He reveals Himself to us in His Word as well in our prayer life. If we participate in "inventing" Him, adding to His Word or taking away from it, we will never really know Him intimately. I don't know about you, but deep in my heart that is what I long for more than anything....to know Him more intimately....who He is....not who I imagine Him to be or my flesh demands that He be. Truly who He is, is so much more than my human intellect can contain anyway.  If we "invent" him, putting Him in a box, we will miss Him. Just like some of those that were closest to Him. 
I leave you with this.

Psalm 100
Raise a shout for יהוה, All the earth!  Serve יהוה with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.  Know that יהוה, He is Elohim; He has made us, and we are His – His people and the sheep of His pasture.  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His Name. For יהוה is good; His kindness is everlasting, And His truth, to all generations.

He made us.....we do not make Him.

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