Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pistachio Ice Cream

1Corinthians 12:11-20  But one and the same Spirit works all these, distributing to each one individually as He intends.  For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is the Messiah. For indeed by one Spirit we were all immersed into one body, whether Yehuḏim or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink into one Spirit. For indeed the body is not one member but many. If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” does it therefore not belong to the body? And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” does it therefore not belong to the body? If all the body was an eye, where would be the hearing? If all hearing, where would be the smelling? But now Elohim has set the members, each one of them, in the body, even as He pleased. And if they all had been one member, where would the body be? And now, there are indeed many members, but one body.

In 2007, the morning of my husbands birthday, I was preparing breakfast for my two youngest children. I was trying hard to keep them quiet. I really wanted them to sleep late and not disturb their father. However, they are both early risers, were very little and very noisy and my hope was that getting them busy eating breakfast would occupy them so that they would remain quite in hopes my husband could get some well deserved rest on his birthday. My husband has frequently worked odd shifts and has always worked very hard. I so wanted to give him an opportunity to rest! I was rushing to accomplish my goal of keeping the house quiet. I reached up to get a bowl out of the cupboard. One of the glass bowls, next to others began to topple. It had a crack in it that I did not realize was there. Soon it was falling and out of instinct I reached up to catch it before it hit the tile floor. The bowl broke on my hand, mostly severing my left pinkie finger. Instead of sleeping late, my husband was soon racing me to the emergency room so that the artery in my finger could be repaired and I would not bleed to death. Dramatic huh? I didn't even begin to think that my day would turn out that way. My plan to make my husbands birthday a special and relaxing one did not work out very well. I had a devastating injury to my finger and hand. Besides being in extreme pain, I was really frustrated that life had thrown me one big curve ball. During this time in my life Father would show me how much He truly was my Provider and all I needed.

I would face a difficult rehabilitation period. At the time my business required me to work with my hands, so obviously my income was gone until I recovered. My injury was fairly severe and the doctor was unable to repair the tendon or nerves completely although thankfully he was able to reattach the finger. Today, I have little to no feeling in my finger and cannot straighten it, but it is attached and for that I am grateful. I did go back to work in 8 weeks, even though my physician attempted to discourage me. I was extremely determined to continue to work. With grateful smiles, I let his negative rambling go in one ear and out the other. He was a good surgeon, but a very poor cheerleader and I was resolute to not let his warnings take root in my mind or in my heart. On top of all that, we were weeks away from adopting our two youngest children, whom we had fostered for almost two years. A loss in income would not look good to the committee considering our petition to adopt the kids. My world, in just a few hours, looked very different than it had before. All this from one little member becoming detached from my body. Amazing.

During my rehabilitation I found out what it was like to do everyday tasks without any involvement from my left hand as I was in a cast up to my elbow. Zipping zippers was the worst and would take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour in the beginning. Changing the diapers of a wiggly toddler was an incredible challenge. Washing dishes took hours. Washing my hair was very slow and difficult and required, embarrassingly, assistance. Driving carpool, though possible, was a challenge. At the time, although I had some very special individuals willing to help me, I needed to learn how to function and I tried to limit their involvement as much as possible in hopes of accomplishing my goals independently. It was very, very hard. Especially for someone as independent as myself.

I recall this story, not to gross you out or gain any kind of sympathy, but to make a point of how devastating it is to a body to lose a member. I have been part of three church catastrophes and have seen all sorts of devastation and loss within the body of Messiah. I have seen the "little ones" run out of the back of the fellowship devastated that their leader has fallen morally. I have seen brother against brother, sister against sister and new fellowships spring up built entirely on offense. I have been part of the "house church" movement where all that is discussed is how upset they are with the corporate church. The Word of God is rarely even brought up. Sure, we learn to function without everyone present, but I ask, is it really supposed to be that way? Is this what Messiah is coming back for? His body strewn all over the place and in pieces? The hand not working with the ear and the foot ticked off at the eye? The knee fully opposed to the elbow? The mouth shouting out insults to the shoulder. I happen to know from personal experience what it is like to loose an actual member of my physical body and many times I think how wonderful it would have been to just let that dish drop and shatter rather than catch it and lose my finger. Some things are just not worth catching. And I suppose ....some are. Though, dare I say, far less less than one would imagine.

My dear family. The time is approaching that so much of what we consider important is going to pale in comparison to what really is. We need each other. Is it OK to agree to disagree? Is it OK to love your brother when you don't see eye to eye? It better be. If we are truly seeking to follow the Torah do we not have enough, individually, to focus on ourselves? In doing so, focusing on our own growth, our own walk with Messiah, we set a wonderful example to others and with the involvement of the Ruach Ha'Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, they will be motivated to examine their own hearts if they truly want to please Elohim.

Since I have been seeking to understand my Hebrew Roots all sorts of wonderful things have happened. My family has come into order as has my marriage. I also feel a confidence to correctly discern many things. Things that are not of Him do not intimidate me anymore because I better understand what is of Him and what is not. I am not perfect, and I continually work towards growth in Messiah, but none the less, I have the sincere illumination of the Word to evaluate all sorts of men's doctrine and teaching and that is more than sufficient to make a decent judgement. I don't need to follow any crowd or a trend. I follow my Savior and that is enough. I don't feel the need for everyone to agree with me and I don't get offended when they don't. This to me is a valuable characteristic of true freedom. I am so grateful to be here and I know that He is not done with me, thankfully.

Focus needs to be given on what we as a Body, the Body of Messiah, can accomplish. Time grows short my family. This is more crucial than ever before.

Some people like Vanilla Ice Cream. Some people like Chocolate. Some people like Pistachio. I personally love Pistachio. Really anything with nuts! I don't eat a lot of ice cream because I am kind of a health nut (long story), but if I was going to eat any ice cream in the world, it would be Pistachio! We all have giftings and personal tastes and as long as those giftings and personal tastes do not oppose His Word they should be allowed to flourish within the body. If I am a foot I may not grip something as a hand does, but does that make the hand wrong or flawed? No, it is just a hand and it has it's unique, important role. Appreciate it's role in the Body of Messiah! It is just silly to criticize a hand for being a hand as it is to chastise a foot for being a foot!

Don't run away or stay home when the body doesn't behave as it should. Stick around and be an example so that it may line up with the Word of Elohim. The body will imitate what self differentiates and is bold in it's execution of the Word if it is truly the Body of Messiah. Don't grow discouraged family when folks don't think your way is the best. Flexibility on non doctrinal issues is a hallmark of maturity and wisdom. Conversely, take a stand on issues that are eternal, life giving and essential. In other words, deal with what really matters but let the old worthless bowl hit the floor and shatter lest it take a member with it!

I hope my simple stories help you in some way. I hope they encourage you and strengthen you for the coming days. They won't be easy. Let's stick together, okay?! Thank you Mishpocha, for being my Mishpocha, my family. I am so grateful for you!!

More than a Conqueror.