Psalms 27:1-3 1 YHVH is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? YHVH is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When evildoers came at me to eat up my flesh, even my adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell. 3 Though an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war should rise against me, even then I will be confident.
I didn't learn to swim until I was 14 years old. I remember being at the YMCA over the summers gripping the sides of the pool and smiling and waving like I was just "hanging out". I was thinking at the time, "don't mind me, I am fine, look away, will you!!" I always had some sort of excuse for not going to the deep end with the rest of my friends. I'd watch from a distance seeing them splashing, swimming and diving into the pool with abandon and glee. There I was in the "kiddie" pool, just wading around with the moms and their 3 year olds. Oh the shame a 10 year old girl can feel! You wouldn't have known it by looking at me at the time, I did a good job hiding it, but it was pretty humiliating.
It probably didn't help that during that time we lived in the northern midwest and summer was really the only time there was to go swimming and our summers up there were really short! I remember one BBQ my family had, in July, where it actually snowed. The winters were very long, so swimming wasn't a very popular activity much of the year.
Finally, after 7 long years we moved back to the west coast where the sun is out all year around and the summers are nice and long. As a bonus, the apartment building we moved into had a pool! Well, I was excited and I wasn't. I had real mixed feelings. I loved the idea of being able to go swimming, a lot if I wanted to, but I still had those feelings of fear of the water.
That summer, having just moved to a new city and having no friends, there was little to do, but hang out at the pool or stay indoors. My bike's tires were stolen when we moved in so I couldn't really go far. So the pool it was. There was really no one swimming when I went to the pool. My parents were at work, as was most of the apartment complex and there never was a life guard on duty. I had the entire pool to myself. So I went in and just waded around. Pretty soon I started to relax and enjoy the cool water in the heat of the day. My mind went elsewhere, I leaned back, in that relaxed state and found myself floating!! I couldn't believe it. All those years of being afraid and all I had to do was relax and my body would float. As I practiced I realized I could trust that I'd stay afloat if I was calm and completely relaxed. When I became fearful, everything tensed up, I struggled and I sank! I felt like I had made some amazing discovery, all on my own!! I was 14 years old and I learned to swim. Fear of the water was defeated that day!
Over the years there have been many battles with fear that have come my into my life. I'd be lying if I said that learning to swim conquered all my fears. At times I have let those things paralyze me and prevent me from doing things I know my Abba has called me to do. Can you relate to this? I have watched in the distance as others haven't let fear stop them from doing what they are called to do and do it with abandon and glee in their lives and in their service to Adonai! All the while I gazed from the "kiddie pool" knowing I was meant for more. During those times my loving Abba has reminded me of my adventure in learning how to swim and how if I just trust Him and lean back and rest He will go with me and I will float with no effort of my own. Such a simple concept, but one that has escaped me on many occasions. He is enough for any circumstance we will ever face. All we need to do is let go and trust Him. Fear isn't necessary when we have a really BIG Elohim, the very Creator of the universe, in our corner! I have heard it said, you can only fear one thing at a time. The world and it's circumstances or a Holy Elohim. Let it be Him and nothing or no one else. Worldly fear is a snare and a shame, but the fear of Adonai is wisdom. (Proverbs 1:7) Very simply put, fear is not faith.
My very favorite female person in the Word is Abigail. Abigail was a woman that didn't crack under pressure and had the God given gift of understanding. So much so that her people didn't perish because she made good choices not born of fear, but of faith in Elohim. She was bold and decisive and moved forward trusting that whatever happened her Father had her back. If you get an opportunity read about Abigail in 1 Samuel 25, do so, her story will really bless you. I have learned a lot from her example.
I don't know what you face today. It could be anything, but baby just lay back and float! He's got you.
Oh, and one more thing, I learned to body surf the following year!
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