Thursday, July 29, 2010

Simple Challah

Simple Challah Ingredients

8 cups of Flour + extra during kneading
1 package of Yeast
2 teaspoons of Kosher Salt
1/4 cup of Honey
3 Eggs
2 1/2 cups of Flour
1/2 cup of Oil (I like olive, some people use vegetable)

Mix water, yeast, salt and all wet ingredients. Slowly add flour 1 cup at a time. Mix until stiff and then knead for about 5 minutes. Let dough rise 1 1/2 hours. After dough has risen knead dough for another 5 minutes. Cut dough in half and then cut halves into three "snakes". Braid into two loaves, place on a greased baking sheet and then loaves rise another hour. After rising, brush with egg and top with poppy seeds. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Enjoy!!

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