Many of us, especially when we first come into relationship with Yahshua (Jesus) our Messiah, can have one foot in the world and one foot in our relationship with Adonai. Sadly, I know I was very much like this. Because of sheer ignorance, in some instances, and some spiritual strongholds in my life at the time I was not fully committed to Him in the way I should have been. In time, like an addict coming off of a powerful drug, the Lord revealed these things to me and gently and sometimes not so gently removed those things and situations from my life and even removed my desire for those things. These "things", had they remained, would have most certainly opened the door to other sin and also disturbed the level of intimacy in my new found relationship with Yahshua. To choose sin or earthly idols over our relationship with Him is adulterous.
Our relationship to Yahshua is a marriage covenant. Like the agreement we make when we say our marriage vows to our spouse there are certain conditions to this new relationship. His love for us does not change but the harmony in the relationship can and will change if we decide to be adulterous or unfaithful. In an earthly marriage, we promise to love, honor, obey and be faithful to our new spouse. In the event of the breaking of this covenant such actions can deeply impact the harmony in the relationship and in the worst case scenario it can destroy the relationship all together.
Don't be fooled by the teaching or opinions of man. There are all sorts of books and teachings out there promoting a light hearted inconsequential attitude towards sin and idolatry. I have read and heard many of them! Sadly, I have over the years recommended a few of them of which I whole heatedly repent. Our Adonai is a jealous Lord. In fact, He says that is His name.
"For the Lord, whose name is jealous, is a jealous God."—Exodus 34:14.
The world does not deliver the depth of love or satisfaction that Adonai does. I know, I have tried to find it in many ways. Worship or adoration of man, beast or earthly things will never satisfy in the way that He can. He is more than sufficient.
There is a movement in the world to once again worship the created, rather than the Creator and it is not pleasing to the Lord, make no mistake. It is a religion in and of itself and it takes many forms but is essentially likened to a very familiar story in history. The Israelites in the book of Exodus also did that very thing.
Exodus 32:1-3
1 When the people saw that Moshe was taking a long time to come down from the mountain, they gathered around Aharon and said to him, "Get busy; and make us gods to go ahead of us; because this Moshe, the man that brought us up from the land of Egypt - we don't know what has become of him." 2 Aharon said to them, "Have your wives, sons and daughters strip off their gold earrings; and bring them to me." 3 The people stripped off their gold earrings and brought them to Aharon. 4 He received what they gave him, melted it down, and made it into the shape of a calf. They said, "Isra'el! Here is your god, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!"
This choice came directly after the covenant they as a people had just made with Him. How quickly they forgot all that the Lord had done for them! Before we judge them, however, we must consider that that can be our tendency as well. The anger of Yahweh burned towards them.
Exodus 32: 7-11
7 ADONAI said to Moshe, "Go down! Hurry! Your people, whom you brought up from the land of Egypt, have become corrupt! 8 So quickly they have turned aside from the way I ordered them to follow! They have cast a metal statue of a calf, worshipped it, sacrificed to it and said, 'Isra'el! Here is your god, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!'" 9 ADONAI continued speaking to Moshe: "I have been watching these people; and you can see how stiffnecked they are. 10 Now leave me alone, so that my anger can blaze against them, and I can put an end to them! I will make a great nation out of you instead." 11
Moses begged Yahweh to spare them reminding Him of the promises He had made. The Lord spared them but there was an accountability for those responsible for leading the others astray. Read the rest of the chapter to find out.
We are not much different. We turn to the strange doctrines of the this world and bow down to the idols of this world so easily. We may not even realize we are doing it. The evil one does not make himself obvious when he introduces these things and quite often comes as a sheep in wolves clothing. He is very subtle. We must be sober, vigilant and remain close to our First Love.
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