I was listening to Steve Berger on the Koinonia House Website http://www.khouse.org/ . I became very convicted in my heart when Steve began to speak about the topic of His presence.
The holidays for me produce a mad rush of buying gifts, mailing cards and decorating our home. Parties, kid's productions and plays keep us flying around in every direction.
Frankly I have started to resent the pressure I feel as a woman to fulfill all the demands I perceive to be required of me. I know that attitude is wrong and I know that the perceived "pressure" is one that I have allowed in my life. I don't think people expect as much of me as I do of myself. In my busyness I neglect time with my Lord and excuse it as "well, You know Lord what my life is like." I don't even need a holiday to do that. I have a ton of excuses.
Steve Berger began to speak about the difference between familiarity and intimacy with God. There is a big difference. Often we desire all the good things of God, His presents, but do not desire the intimacy with Him, His presence, as much or maybe not at all. People are "familiar" with one another all the time. The intimacy of "commitment and covenant" is a something different and much more amazing. Was I simply being "just familiar" with God at times and not taking the time to be intimate with Him?
He gave the story of the prodigal son as an example, who just wanted his inheritance (presents) but not intimacy (presence) with his father. In doing so he end up squandering his fortune and eating with pigs. This is not at what our Lord has for us or intends for our lives.
Luke 15:11-17
Then he said, "A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.' So the father divided the property between them. After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need. So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens who sent him to his farm to tend the swine. And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody gave him any. Coming to his senses he thought, 'How many of my father's hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.
Reading. Studying. Listening to teachers and preachers explain the scriptures and talk about Jesus has always been fairly easy for me. I love learning and I love hearing the Word. I hunger for more knowledge of Him. That part isn't hard for me. Coming before my Lord with more than just a shopping list of requests is more of a challenge for me. I am just being very transparent. Maybe this is not an issue for you. If not that is great!
Please hear my heart. Take your requests to Him. I am not saying that is wrong. Speak to Him about the desires of your heart. Don't stop doing that. But please linger beloved a little while longer and just adore Him. He longs to be with you. Praise Him because you have breath because He made you. Thank Him because you made it through another day. Sing to Him because He loves to hear your voice. Rest quietly in His presence. Shout of His goodness! Laugh out loud because you know He loves you in your humanness and imperfections.
There is so much missing when we settle for just the presents and not His presence. The good news is that just like the prodigals father Jesus has his arms always open to us and is waiting for us to run back to be with Him once again.
If you have never made Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of your life check out this site http://www.allaboutgod.com/become-a-christian.htm
More than a Conqueror
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