Some seasons seem to be filled with more storms than others. This year in the Southern United States we had a very stormy spring. Summer seems pretty dry in comparison so far, but we are getting some nice ones here and there. The rain, wind, lightening and thunder in nature I don't mind too much. They are actually quite nice, particularly with the heat we have been experiencing.
The storms of our lives are quite another subject all together. I wish I could say that those kind of storms were relaxing, refreshing and they cooled the atmosphere, but they are not and they do not. Those kind of storms can cause you to feel weariness, discouragement, depression, like you are all alone and that your trials might never end.
Since 2001 my family and I have been facing many different kinds of storms. Storms like threats of lay offs, good size pay cuts and financial trials, relational struggles, deaths of loved ones, fostering and adopting two hurting children and various other large and small disappointments and set backs. It has been quite a roller coaster.
I don't think we are all that unusual. I just think that people in the christian community would prefer to hide the dirt under the rug. We just don't talk about it and we think that somehow doing that makes it go away. Down deep we are hurting and struggling, but since everyone else is behaving like everything is "hunky dory" we feel naked and exposed revealing our own trials. Sometimes we take a chance, share and get the "deer in the headlights" look from someone and that sets us back a bit. We end up feeling more misunderstood and stranger than ever so we pick ourselves up and get back to building our perfect white picket fence again. We try to "look" OK, but we are not. It reminds me so much of that children's book The Emperor's New Clothes. A crafty tailor had convinced the emperor that he had made the most beautiful robe for him to wear, when in reality he wasn't wearing anything at all. No one would dare say anything about the emperor's nakedness except for one very honest little child who pointed out the obvious deficiency in clothing to the emperor. I always get a chuckle out of that story. Some days I am the emperor and other days I play the child. It is amazing what we will tell ourselves to get by. Sometimes though the truth is staring us right in the face and there is just no looking away!
Can I be very bold and say that I am tired of all the pretending and faking it? Life is hard. The Word of God is very clear about that.
1 Peter 4:12:
Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.
Fiery, wow, that doesn't sound very fun. I have to admit I have thought it strange more than once. "Why me?" I have thought. "Why us?" I've wondered. Well, if I am understanding that verse correctly, why not me and why not us, right?
Bad things and really hard things are just going to happen sometimes. There is no magic formula to negate the truth that we are living in a fallen world and have an adversary that delights in causing us pain and discomfort.
Can we love one another, reserve judgement and stand in the gap during each other's trials and struggles? Let us not scatter and avoid people that are suffering. Let us not run for the hills when others are full of joy and we are not.
Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
Most of all we need to understand that we have a BIG God that is in there with us, through all of it and will never leave or forsake us. He sent us The Holy Spirit who will never abandon us.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever--
Father through the storms in life that I encounter, and through all the disappointments and pain.... I am so grateful that You have not left me and that You never will. Thank you God and help me to love others as you have loved me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
More Than A Conqueror
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