I took a trip a few days ago to see friends in North Carolina. They live near the coast, so we had a very long drive to get to our destination. I traveled there with my oldest daughter. It was such a peaceful drive. The sky fashioned a wonderful robins egg blue. The clouds were like giant pillows tranquilly resting in the striking blue background. The trees were just beginning to show signs of an impending fall. Spots of orange, red and brown were beginning to appear on the edges of the green leaves. We passed shimmering bodies of water that served as soft rippled mirrors of the numerous tall thin trees, the clouds and sky. The road was rather empty with the exception of large imposing trucks that would pass us up every once in a while rocking our little rental car. Most everyone else was already at work and about the business of the day. My daughter rested next to me in the passenger seat silently enjoying the peace and quiet and dozing occasionally. What an amazing picture of Father’s creation! I found myself feeling very grateful for my life and for the opportunity to gaze upon His handiwork. He is the Artist of all artists.
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Sometimes my mind wanders when I drive long distances. Does that happen to you too? I frequently pray in the car. With a house full of four kids and a busy life it just works out that the car is often the only quiet place to pray.
Sometimes though, I have no words. I am truly at a loss for words, and I can do nothing but just praise Him. This was one of those days. This was one of those journeys. I found myself in complete awe of Him. So much so that simple words and simple prayers, would not come to me. The realization that my Abba, Creator of the vast universe, my King, my Savior, my mighty Elohim is interested in connecting with very small me, became very overwhelming in that moment. My eyes grew hot and salty tears threatened to flood onto my cheeks in response. I found myself thinking about how really good He is and how the word "good" doesn’t even begin to describe Him. His beautiful creation, before me, conquered my senses and I could think of nothing else but Him.
Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
On this journey of the life He so graciously given me He has shown me many things and I know, with much gratitude, that He isn’t finished. That fact, that He is not done, isn’t lost on me and it fills my heart with hope. Especially on those days when I catch a glimpse in the mirror of the image of my soul and know that quite honestly I still need a lot of work! In this life there have been difficult times, sorrowful times, happy days, periods of sheer elation and joy, and moments of confusion, disillusionment and disappointment, to name a few. He hasn’t failed to show up and be near in any of them and I know He never will leave me nor forsake me. He is faithful. He is able to be above it all. Even if sometimes I am not. In my heart I know that these experiences are opportunities, allowed by Him and they are provided to cause us grow, mature and reach the potential He has put in all of us. Honestly, I wouldn’t ask for many of these hurdles, but none the less I am grateful for them if they exist to create in me the possibility of being more like Him and knowing Him in a deeper and more intimate way.
I was thinking about how truly small we are and how so much of the time we become entangled in all the nonsense of this earth. There is so much that tries to keep us down and it is very tempting to let it. Much of it is really small stuff. We don’t see the "quick sand" ahead and before we know it we’ve stepped in it! I imagine His view, looking at us all here on earth. We must appear so silly and rather comical sometimes. We fight, we strive, we struggle and we contend with Him and one another. Our struggles cause us to sink deeper and the mud rises up to our eyeballs. It just isn’t our fleshly nature to be still and call out to Him or to be patient and wait on Him to pull us out of our mess.
What is life, really? It is just a small season in all of eternity in which you and myself exist. A small blip on the radar. We only get one blip, yet we fail to rise above the rubbish so much of the time. Thankfully, sometimes we pass the test. Those are really good days. Don’t you think? I really desire more days like that!
Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Do you remember when those bracelets were all the rage? You know, the ones with WWJD on them. They were supposed to remind believers to do what Jesus did. Or more accurately what Yahshua did when He walked the earth. I don’t think we need to look at a bracelet to remember what He did. The earth testifies to what He did and is doing. The earth, His creation, is groaning and crying out now as a woman in labor and experiencing birth pains for a time soon to come. I believe that possibly some of us will see this time in our lifetime. When I think of that I am excited and thrilled. Really so little actually matters when you look at the big picture He has for us. How marvelous is the hope we have of an eternity spent with Him!
Like the clouds resting in the robins egg blue sky He is above it all. He doesn’t get tired nor does He grow weary. He isn’t struggling, striving or fighting with anyone. Even when we find ourselves entangled in difficulties, He is right there with us, hand extended waiting for us to reach up and grasp His. If we put our hope in Him we will be above it all too and we will soar like eagles! Praise Yahweh!
Isaiah 40
28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Many blessings to you in Messiah Yahshua. More than a conqueror.