Sunday, May 16, 2010

Solid Food

If you have ever introduced a baby to solid food you are going to relate with what I am going to write. If you have more than one child you know the babies react very differently depending on the personality of the child and their comfort with what is different or new.

I have four children. My oldest son was about 3 months old when I first introduced solid food. I know that is pretty early by today's standards, but this was 18 years ago. He was a big boy and milk alone didn't seem to hold him for very long by the time he was a few months old. I really did debate about giving it to him at such a young age, but I remember him looking at my husband and myself and just longing to "chew" on something! He would even mimic our chewing when we were eating. Watching him do that led me to go ahead and try solid food. I remember putting the spoon of baby cereal mixed with applesauce in his mouth. His eyes got big and he smiled. Most of it ran down his face, onto his clothes and some of it was spit on me as he giggled! He enjoyed it and pretty quickly got the hang of keeping it all in his mouth. After a while I couldn't spoon it in there fast enough!

Now my oldest daughter was a different story. It was a similar scenario, the milk was not holding her very long, and she was about 6 months old at the time. Times had changed, as did baby books and pediatricians that encouraged parents to wait longer to introduce solid foods. I mixed the rice cereal and applesauce expecting the same glee and excitement my son had exhibited. I loaded up the spoon with this gruel and put it in her mouth. Now, by the look on this child's face you could clearly see that I had offended her! Her eyes got teary, her face got red and she looked horrified that I would do such a terrible thing to her. THIS was not what she was expecting at all! Out all of it came and the screaming began, only to be stopped by her familiar beloved bottle! Not quite the reaction that I was expecting. No worries, she is 14 years old now and she eats solid food, so it all turned out well in the end. ;)

My younger two, a boy and a girl were adopted at ages long after such experiences took place. However, with their unique personalities I think I can pretty well guess how it went when they first experienced solid food. My youngest son will eat anything, anytime and my oldest son. My youngest daughter isn't into trying new things and frequently is offended by any food that is different or not on her "regular" menu!

In this verse, below, Paul gets pretty tough with those whom he is teaching, but for very good reason!

Hebrews 5:11 There is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen. 12 You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word.[a] You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. 13 For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. 14 Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.

I say all this to give you a picture of all of us, believers that need to grow and mature in Messiah. I have been there and in many ways I am being weaned from milk still. I don't count myself to be above anyone. I understand, that it can be strange, frightening, wonderful and exciting when we move beyond the "milk" phase of basic scriptural concepts. Sometimes we think we have the cereal and applesauce mastered and that is just wonderful! It is enough! We are gleeful at tasting such fine food! We don't even realize that there is more. We have no idea what we are missing. We become comfortable and content with less than He intends for us. Soon our spirits crave more. The cereal and applesauce just are not doing the trick. We eat it and very soon we are hungry again. Now that we have matured some, we need something more sustaining and challenging to further grow. Then Yahweh, who is a wise Abba (Daddy) tosses a big old piece of pot roast on our plates. He carefully cuts it up in small pieces. We take a bite and realize this is going to take some chewing! We thought we knew all about chewing until we began to chomp down on the delicious yet very chewy meat. The experience kinda freaks us out at first! Soon we realize that this food is much more sustaining that what we have been eating, but it is going to take a little work in breaking it all down so we can digest it.

Growing in Messiah is likened to an infant learning to consume solid food. It is difficult at first, but it is necessary for our growth and maturity. We may struggle and even gag a bit at times at what He is showing us and how He is growing us at first. With consistency and time we will be able to digest the Truth He is feeding us! Sometimes this meat is offensive to us. You know, the things He shows us and the challenges He allows to come our way. Sometimes it is shocking, surprising and even stunning. At times it can be downright overwhelming! We often want to run back to our milk and take comfort in it. However, we must move forward and consume what He wants us to eat if we are to grow and mature. Change is hard, but it is necessary for survival and maturity. If we remain infants how will we ever be able to accomplish all that He has for us? It is impossible! To have the strength to be effective for the Kingdom we must have this rich nourishment. In order to have that kind of strength we must consume the weightier and more difficult things in His Word.

Hebrews 6:1 So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.

We have a wonderful, loving and patient Abba Father who will kindly lead us and teach us what He needs us to know. However, we must be willing to follow His lead and trust Him. He knows what is best for us and what will nourish us! We just have to be willing to open our mouths, chew and swallow and then we will be able to digest what He gives us. We will be able to have peace even if it is unfamiliar and uncomfortable to us. This is of particular importance in the world we are now living in and as we come closer and closer to His coming! He wants us to be strong, healthy and able to handle challenges that are to come. The only way to to do that is to consume the "meat" of His Word and of His presence!

Finally, I have come to the point where I crave this nourishment. I know what He gives me is good for me and it satisfies.....more than I could have ever imagined!

Shalom friends!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wow...Excellent Teaching If You Are Wanting To Understand the Messianic Faith

If you are a christian and you are wanting to understand YOUR Hebrew roots, this set of videos are a great introduction for you. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The "Old" Covenants-- Jim Staley

From Passion for Truth Ministries, go to for more information.

"What if the citizens of the United States were somehow deceived to believe that the Constitution is no longer relevant in today's society and needed to be abolished? That somehow the tried and true principles, laws and ordinances once put in place for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness now had no place in our high paced, secular- progressive society. The answer is simple. Every man would begin to determine what was right in their own eyes and the people in the highest places would create new laws that would ultimately bring death, bondage and injustice for all.

In the same way, the enemy knows that in order to destroy God's people, all that he needs to do is to destroy the founding Constitution of Gods Law. If he could convince the people that His Law, ordinances and commandments that He intended for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness were no longer relevant for today, that the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly as he has convinced mankind that the Law of God is no longer relevant for today. He has even convinced us that it was God's idea to get rid of it!

Has the Law of God really been abolished? Has it really been nailed to the cross as we have been told? Have the instructions for life and the definition of sin been truly done away with? Or, was the power of sin and the curse that was placed on us because we broke it what was nailed to the cross so that we could be free from the condemnation?

This very in-depth DVD series goes from cover to cover in a very step-by-step approach to finally answer this question once and for all. We will first dive into a comprehensive study on what the definition of sin is. Then we will journey through all the major covenants of the scriptures finally answering what the New Covenant actually is. Lastly, a considerable amount of time is spent going through virtually every single verse in the NT that has been misunderstood concerning this very topic. By the end of this series, the veil will be lifted, the enemy's plan foiled, and we will finally see clearly Grounds for High Treason."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus

Nehemiah Gordon does an excellent contextual, historical and etymological study on Matthew that is worth seeing if you never have! He clearly defines the difference between the Tanach (Torah, Writings and Prophets) and the Rabbinical writings and commentaries. Many are not aware there is a difference! This is really crucial information to understand when seeking to understand scripture.

Please bear in mind that this man is not a believer in Yahshua (Hebrew Jesus), however he is an excellent Hebrew scholar and unravels a scripture that appears to compromise others. It would be very wise for us to dig contextually, historically and in the most original text possible to come to a fuller if not a more complete understanding of scripture.